
Thermal Security Drones

Support Ariel’s First Response Team by funding thermal security drones for enhanced surveillance and early threat detection. Help protect our community.

Take the 2024 Passover Pledge!

By sponsoring Passover food packages or offering a seat at the Ariel Seder, you have the opportunity to step into the story of Ariel and help the less fortunate members of the community relive the experience of redemption.

Home Front Emergency Campaign

Help keep our brave protectors safe and also offer a lifeline of hope and strength to those who are grappling with the emotional toll of war.

Take the 2023 Passover Pledge!

By sponsoring Passover food packages or offering a seat at the Ariel Seder, you have the opportunity to step into the story of Ariel and help the less fortunate members of the community relive the experience of redemption.

Magen David Adom Bullet-Proof Mobile Intensive Care Unit donated to Ariel

A new Magen David Adom Bullet-Proof Mobile Intensive Care Unit
vehicle was inaugurated in Ariel.

Take the 2022 Passover Pledge!

From sponsoring Passover food packages to a seat at the Ariel Seder, you can step into the Ariel story by allowing the city’s less fortunate to relive the experience of redemption.

A Look Back at 2021

As we look towards an exciting 2022, we take pause to review the exceptional year we’ve had here in Ariel.

Randolph A. Hearst Sheltered Workshop

Read on about the exciting groundbreaking and cornerstone ceremony for the new location of the Randolph A. Hearst Sheltered Workshop.

Take the 2021 Passover Pledge

Every year, Ariel’s friends around the world come together to give every Ariel resident the opportunity to celebrate Passover.

Refa Na Campaign Launch

No one should ever have to choose between paying their bills, buying food or purchasing their medication….

FIGA Accelerator

Read about the successful first round of the Field Center for Entrepreneurship Accelerator  aka Field International Growth Accelerator (FIGA).

Honoring Excellent Educators

This June, we honored the city’s best teachers and educators in our annual ceremony. Read more to find out what was special about this year’s celebrations.