The Young Adult Center serves to help keep Ariel’s up-and-coming families and professionals firmly rooted in Ariel - and turns the city into an ideal destination for young families.
Ariel’s Young Adult Center opened in 2016. The Center, dedicated in honor of Mayor Eli Shaviro’s late wife, Orya Shaviro, provides Ariel’s young adults ages 18-35 with a hub for personal and professional development.
The YAC’s services span a number of different fields:
Parenting, including a club for new mothers and a variety of parenting workshops, children’s activities, child development workshops and advice, “Parents for Parenting” forum
Employment fairs to match new graduates and current students with local businesses;
Support for recent IDF veterans, including special workshops tailored for newly-released soldiers and professional and academic guidance
Shows, music jams, one day trips, workshops and events as just a small part of what the center hosts and organizes
Resources and space – including co-working spaces, conference rooms, a music room, and more
Offers different groups to cater to different needs in the community such as young adult parent group, new “Olim” group, Ariel’s travelers, single mother’s group, veteran’s group, Ariel’s musicians, employee group, etc.
The YAC serves not only to provide support on the immediate level for young adults; it also builds community. The Center serves to help keep Ariel’s up-and-coming families and professionals firmly rooted in Ariel – and turns the city into an ideal destination for young families.
Donations to the Young Adult’s Center are needed in order to continue the programming for the benefits of the residents of Ariel and the surrounding region.