The Ariel Fine Arts Academy building and institution will provide a home for Ariel's many music students to refine their skills.
Ariel residents love Music, the Arts, and Culture – and we’ve been honored to help build and develop a series of Arts programs throughout the city.
In the 1990s, a large influx of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) brought a heightened interest in the fine arts to Ariel. While the Ariel Regional Center for Performing Arts (ARCPA) continues to cultivate culture in the community ever since its 2010 grand opening, the needs of the community continue to grow.
The City is now preparing to launch its newest cultural initiative: a Fine Arts Academy.
The Ariel Fine Arts Academy building and institution will provide a home for Ariel’s many music students to refine their skills. While the Academy will be open for music enthusiasts of all age groups, the facility will immediately address the needs of Ariel’s schoolchildren – whose demands for more music programming have outgrown the capacity of the current community facilities where programming is held today.