Ariel Heads Back to School

29406344252_1e46949b08_zThe 2016-17 school year started earlier this month in Ariel – and local schoolchildren have a lot to be excited about.

The City of Ariel completed a number of exciting projects before school opened in September, including:

  • The new and improved Nitzanim daycare center reopened with new air-conditioning units and furniture;
  • 2 new kindergartens, the Calanit and Sigalit Early Childhood Centers, opened in the newly-built Arava neighborhood;29406351902_e2f279bfde_z
  • 3 kindergartens received new bathrooms;
  • 4 kindergartens received upgraded playground areas, as part of an ongoing project to upgrade playgrounds since 2014;
  • 4 kindergartens received new kitchens;
  • The courtyard of Aliza Begin Elementary School was upgraded, as part of an upcoming project to dedicate a new sports field at the complex;
  • The sports complexes at the Bernard Milken Elementary School were upgraded;
  • Bernard Milken Elementary 29480786316_f26d0a93bf_zSchool has received, for the first time, fully accessible bathrooms ahead of the enrollment of a child with disabilities.

In addition, Ariel remains in the midst of a number of education-related projects, including building a series of kindergartens in the budding Moriah neighborhood, revamping the sports facilities at Or Zevulun Elementary School, and fully air-conditioning the sports hall at Aliza Begin Elementary School. American Friends of Ariel thanks our generous donors and good friends for continuing to support local education initiatives. Thank you for sharing our commitment to our children.

For more photos from the first day of school for 2016-17, click here.