Summer 2015 Visitors to Ariel

Pizza and Wine with the Anti-Defamation League 

adl-logoOn July 5, a delegation from the Anti-Defamation League came to learn firsthand about the city of Samaria, starting with an informal pizza lunch at the Ariel Regional Center for Performing Arts. They continued on to Ariel’s industrial park to learn about friendly economic relations Ariel carries on with our Arab neighbors, and finally relaxed with a taste of research wine at Ariel University, where they learned about cutting-edge research in the field of oenology in the land of Israel.

Billye Brim Ministries

BB2On June 14, Dr. Billye Brim arrived with three buses, eager as usual, to tell Ariel’s story. Dorith Nachman shared the story of Ariel’s early days, in which the pioneers happily sacrificed modern amenities for the chance to build a city in the Biblical heartland. Of course, no visit would be complete without a stop at the Dr. Billye Brim Community Pool at the Sports and Recreation Complex, donated in her honor by our dear friend, Victoria Hearst.

Maranatha Youth return to Ariel

MaranathaLeadership (2)

Photo: Courtesy

On June 18, Maranatha Chapel’s young adult delegation started their day early at the Ariel National Center for Leadership Development where Mayor Eliyahu Shaviro gave an inspiring talk about Ariel’s dedication to empowering youth with values, knowledge and experience. They went on to tour Ariel’s Holocaust and Heroism Memorial Museum and enjoy  activities with Ariel youth participating in the Maranatha exchange program.

Friends of Israel – Young Adults

FriendsofIsrael2Friends of Israel, which just recently featured a huge spread about Ariel in the June edition of their glossy magazine “Israel My Glory,” sent their young adults for a day tour of Ariel  onJune 23 as part of its “Origins” program which has college students volunteer in Israel. They satisfied their curiosity about Ariel and life in Samaria when Avi Zimmerman hosted them at the Ariel Regional Center for Performing Arts and led them on a tour of the Ariel Industrial Park, the Gush Katif community of Netzarim, and Ariel University.

Center for Regional Engagement

20150729_173917On July 29, a group of 17 students and faculty members from UCLA and UC Berkeley visited Ariel as part of a study mission of the region, focusing on conflict resolution. The highlight of the visit was group meetings with Ariel residents at Cafe Cafe, where they gained an informal and authentic understanding of life in Ariel from the people who call the city home.