Shlomo Dellal, director of the Ariel National Center for Leadership Development, received a beautiful letter of appreciation from a station commander at one of Israel’s firefighter stations. We have translated the letter to share with you, as it perfectly demonstrations the difference the Center is making in people’s lives.
Dear Shlomo,
This summer I had the pleasure of visiting the Ariel National Center for Leadership Development with a group of 72 firefighters and emergency service personnel. I’d like to convey some of the feelings my team and I shared following the visit.
From the moment that we began working with you and your staff, it was clear that the values transmitted throughout the Center’s workshops and activities were indicative of a very special management system – one that is wholly different from what we have known; and one that could inspire real change in the level of confidence and empowerment among my employees.
As you know, firefighters and employees of our station have undergone two years of great uncertainty. The forecast of our services was unclear, and we were unsure of our future given the creation of a new firefighter station. Unfortunately, the stress took its toll, and many at our station questioned their role and position in the community. Yet, despite the general mood of our staff before attending the Ariel National Leadership Center, I was able to witness an incredible change within our force.
Thanks to your workshops and peer-to-peer interviews, I discovered amazing human texture within each member of our team. I saw that our firefighters and emergency-workers truly love their profession, have brilliant and considerable amount of experience, and are themselves an entire world of giving.
I had no doubt that the best and most professional way for them to discover and empower themselves would be at your facility. Once the first group experienced the Center’s exercises, feedback spread throughout the remaining groups, such that everyone looks forward to participating in the workshops. As you suggested, we came to see how lack of appreciation can destroy the confidence of any team.
Thanks to your workshops, we saw a quick and noticeable change in our team on the very first day back in the district — the tone of conversation changed, team cohesion and interpersonal communication strengthened, and our day-staff now has a wonderful sense of belonging.
For all of these changes, and for the uncompromising professionalism and sympathetic attitude of your team of instructors, I want to thank you. The Ariel National Center for Leadership Development is an extremely positive agent of change at our station, and we look forward to joint activities in the near future.
Well done,
Station Commander