Tennis Anyone?

BillyeMay2014.At the end of May, dear friend of Ariel, Dr. Billye Brim and her daughter Brenda brought very special guests to Ariel: two-time Wimbledon winner Rev. Dr. Margaret Court and her husband Barry. As part of their tour of the city, our guests visited the Ariel’s National Center for Leadership Development where they stopped to pay their respects at the grave of Ron Nachman, of blessed memory.

Billye&MargetA particularly moving moment came when our friends toured the Sports and Recreation Complex to see the swimming pool donated by Victoria Hearst in honor of Billye Brim. While there, some residents approached Billye to tell her how honored they were to meet her and what a major difference the Sports & Recreation Complex has made to the quality of life in Ariel.

The highlight of the visit was a stop at the community tennis courts – also a gift from Victoria Hearst – where the group met with tennis instructor Shai. Before long Margaret and Shai were playing against each other and the outcome was just what you might expect. Shai did his best, but he never had a chance against world-class tennis champion Margaret Court!