Shomer Ha’tza’ir Gap Year in Ariel

June 24, 2013


An international cadre of gap year participants of Shomer Ha’Tza’ir, a youth movement founded on the principles of Socialist Zionism, visited Ariel on June 24 to round out their understanding of a City many of them have learned to perceive as a “settlement” and “obstacle to peace.”

Upon touring the City and visiting Ariel University, the group learned about Ariel’s contributions to the country and the surrounding region in the fields of education, industry, immigrant absorption, and culture. They also deepened their understanding of the prospects of Ariel to foster coexistence among Arabs and Jews, with Arabs studying at Ariel University and Palestinians making-up half the work force of the Ariel and Barkan Industrial Parks. We appreciate the intellectual curiosity of the group and hope they left with as many questions as answers.