Ruth Brandt and the Filmmakers She Sponsors

Ruth and students

American Friends of Ariel and the Film/TV track of Ariel University (AU) welcomed Ruth Brandt from Los Angeles on Tuesday, May 6, 2013 so that she could meet the people she’s touched and taste the creativity she’s nurtured.

Ruth first took interest in Ariel after viewing the “Ariel Breakfast Club” student film screening at the Israel Film Festival in Los Angeles last year. She was so moved by the series, which was themed after John Hughes’ “The Breakfast Club” with its explorations of student social politics, that she committed to sponsoring three outstanding students from AU’s Film/TV track.

At the Moskowitz School of Communication, Ruth watched the films together with the head of Film/TV track, Eyal Boers, as well as the student filmmakers whose work she supported. They included: “‘Til Death Do Us Not Part’ by Avia Amster, “Ivriya” by Avia Amster and Ayelet Katsman, and “Different” by Reut Bar Chen.

The recent graduates of the program shared how her contributions made it possible for them to employ advance sound-design and color correction during post-production. The student films continue to impress the entertainment industry in Israel, with placements in prestigious festivals and television networks.

Ruth was also paid a surprise visit by a social worker from Ariel’s Warm Home, an after-school mentor program for girls, who presented Ruth with a painting made by one of the girls thanking Ruth for her personal gift and attention to the Home.

The message read: “Thank you, Ruth, for everything!” We share the very same sentiments.