Acclaimed Filmmaker Dani Menkin Comes for a Visit

Dani Menkin Surprise Visit

Dani Menkin, one of the biggest names in Israeli documentary films, paid a visit to Ariel University as a guest of Eyal Boers, head of the University’s Film/TV track and filmmaker in his own right (Live or Die in Entebbe). Dani is well-known for his award-winning “Dolphin Boy,” which was shortlisted for the Oscars, and “39 Pounds of Love,” which was aired on HBO in the US.

Dani then stopped by the offices of American Friends of Ariel, where he learned about a number of personal and communal narratives of which he was previously unfamiliar, and which would benefit from being shared through creative, quality filmmaking.

Beyond the periodic visits of internationally renowned film personas, AFA is proud to work with the University’s Film/TV track on an ongoing basis to develop film screenings and programs that bring the unique perspectives of Ariel students to audiences in America. We enjoyed our first collaboration with the highly successful “Ariel Breakfast Club,” a screening of three student shorts that explore students relationships: rich/poor, secular/observant, right-wing/left wing. It debuted at the Israel Film Festival in Los Angeles in April 2012 and has been on tour in the US ever since.