Ariel’s Annual Conference of Law & Mass Media Draws Leading Experts

Prof. Abraham Sion, Chair of the Center for Law and Mass Media at Ariel University, led the annual Conference of Law and Mass media at Ariel on Monday, April 29th, 2013, drawing luminaries in the fields of international law, diplomacy, and media to examine the changing landscape of the Middle East, particularly the possibility of a Palestinian government in Jordan; the legality of settlements in Judea & Samaria; and attempts at the delegitimization of Israel. Below is the line-up of topics and speakers.

08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:45 Opening remarks:Prof. Abraham Sion, chair, The Center for Law and Mass Media, Ariel University of SamariaGreetings:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  (Written Greeting)

Prof. Yehuda Danon, President, Ariel University

Mr. Yigal Cohen Orgad, Chancellor, Ariel University

Mr. Eliyahu Shaviro, Mayor of Ariel

Opening Address:

“How to save Western Civilization from itself”

Mr. Kenneth S. Abramowitz, Senior Analyst, co-founder and Managing General Partner of NGN Capital

10:30-12:00 Session 1 – Chair: Attorney at Law Marc Zell, Executive Committee, Ariel University
Subject: International Law and the settlements in Judea and SamariaSpeakers:Attorney at Law, Talia Sasson, formerly in the Ministry of Justice, author of the report  report for then-prime minister Ariel Sharon, regarding settlements in Judea and Samaria.Amb. Alan Baker , member  of the committee chaired by former Justice Edmund Levy to examine the legal aspects of land ownership in Judea and Samaria. Former Ambssador of Israel to Canada and previously held the post of Legal Adviser and Deputy Director-General of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Prof. Gerald M. Adler, LLM., JSD. He did post-graduate studies at Yale Law School where he earned his master’s and doctorate degrees. Since 2002 Dr. Adler has devoted his time and professional skills in trying to understand the international legal aspects of the Middle East conflict and to pass on to others the fruits of his research.
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:45 Session 2 – Chair: Dr. Yooval Arnon Ohana, Department of Middle Eastern studies, Ariel UniversitySubject: “If the State of Jordan is taken over by a Palestinian Government”

An Evaluation how Israel should react politically, internationally and militarily.


Dr. Ron Pundak, former director general of the Peres Center for Peace, and one of the architects of the Oslo Accords.  He published a book entitled “The Struggle for Sovereignty”, which details Jordanian history during the years 1946 through 1951.

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Director of the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (under formation), Bar-Ilan University.

Arch. Yoram Ginsburg, Commentary and Analysis of Political Space, Ariel University.

Mr. William Koenig, White House Correspondent, Washington, DC

14:45-15:00 Musical Interval composed by Prof. Max Stern, Ariel UniversityHassidic Duets (2013) Michael Zacharin, violin, Illiya Kaplun, viola
15:00-16:30 Session 3 – Chair: Dr. Azi Lev On, chair, The School of Communications, Ariel UniversitySubject: The challenges of De legitimizationAn evaluation of the B.D.S.(Boycott, Divestment and Sanctioning) movements against Israel, with increasing efforts to De Legitimize its existence and an evaluation of the strategy to fight against it.


Shay Attias: chairman of Foreign Affairs, Samaria Region and former Head of Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Public Diplomacy.

Eran ShayShon, He has published op-eds in the Israeli and Jewish press, mainly on the De legitimization challenge.

16:30-17:00 Special Lecture:Speaker:
Mr. Morton A. Klein, National President Z.O.AThe attitude of American Jewry towards the future of Judea and Samaria.
Summation: Prof. Abraham Sion, Ariel University, The Center for Law and Mass Media
Simultaneous translation English/Hebrew, Hebrew/English