Americans For A Safe Israel on Whistle-Stop Tour of Ariel

Helen Freedman & Ron

November 13, 2012

An Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI) group, led by AFSI Executive Director Helen Freedman, visited the City of Ariel on November 13, 2012. The visit began with a trip to the Netzer Ariel community where former Netzarim resident Tammy Zilberschein discussed her experiences over the seven years since the expulsion of the Gush Katif communities, and their relocation to the City of Ariel where they have chosen to make their homes.

Then there was just enough time for the group to rush to the Eshel HaShomron hotel for dinner before returning to the Ariel

Regional Center for Performing Arts where they joined local residents for a classical music performance and a surprise visit with Mayor Ron Nachman.

American Friends of Ariel thanks AFSI and Helen Freedman for arranging the visit. We hope to see them all again in the near future.