Ariel is pleased to welcome back Ruth Brandt

April 30, 2012


Friend of Ariel, Ruth Brandt, returned to Samaria’s capital for her second visit. After having toured the city previously, Ruth was so impressed with what she saw that she decided to revisit Ariel to learn how she and others in the United States might be able assist Ariel with some of the city’s vital programs.

On this second visit Ruth had the opportunity to have a look at things she didn’t have time for the first go around, and to meet with people in charge of some of Ariel’s prime projects.

While here, Ruth visited with Eli Gilad, the Director of the Department of Social Services, and got to see Ariel’s ‘Warm Home for Teens.’ She took in ‘The Orayta’ with Itai Aharoni, and met with Hayim Biton, the Director of Ariel’s Interdisciplinary Center. She also made time to exchange ideas with Judy Shmilovitch, an English teacher at the Milken Elementary School.

Ariel is delighted by Ms. Brandt’s interest in the city’s welfare, her strong support of Israel, and her enthusiasm for Ariel’s future. We hope that a third visit is in store for us in the not too distant future. Thank you Ruth!